Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning:

The use of teaching and learning process makes the students to actively engage in the classroom. It bridges the gap between a faculty and student. Student came to know each other, learn from their peers and also it improves the communication skills.

Benefits of innovative teaching methods:

Improve problem-solving and critical thinking skills

Adopt more soft skills

Check students’ understanding

Improve self-evaluation

Encourage research

The implementation of teaching and learning methods improves ethical behavior and desire to understand. Also it changes the overall perspective towards life. It also improves academic performance and motivates participation in co-curricular activities.

The following teaching and learning activities are implemented by the faculty in the class room.

Think-Pair Share

Think-pair-share (TPS) is a teaching strategy that starts with individual reflection and moves through partner sharing to whole group discussion.

Goals of Using this strategy, the faculty:

First fosters individual thought and gives students time to brainstorm

Has students work with others to clarify and reinforce ideas

Assembles the entire class to share ideas and responses so that all students can gain perspective and understanding

Outcome: From the observations, the students were still lagging to understand the concept, so to overcome this, give more time to slow learners to think and share the ideas.

Technical Training and Certification

Programming is crucial when it comes to learning how to innovate, create very eco-friendly solutions for global problems and such.

Goals of Using this strategy are as follows:

Development of basic technical skills, Students are encouraged to think, analyze the given problem and they have to develop their own logic to solve the given problem.

We make our students more comfortable to the world of coding.

While analyzing the solution to the given problem student must be able to correct the errors occurred during the development process.

Enhancement of creativity, innovation, productivity and entrepreneurial skills.

Development of new and appropriate technology.

Group Discussions

The group discussion is a two-way helpful process. A candidate who goes through the process gains clarity of his/her own thoughts, views and opinion. He / She learns how to evolve thinking and come to a solution or conclusion for a certain topic. And on recruiter’s part, it is helpful as they evaluate a candidate’s soft skills through Group discussion.

Goals of Using this strategy are as follows:

It is a good way to engage the participants in a fruitful discussion

Group discussion generates a creative thinking in all participants, something beyond the obvious answers and solution to a specific problem

Generate more ideas and a structured presentation of a topic

Improves analytical abilities to think on a particular given topic

Outcome: The team can implement the problem very easily and effectively as the verbal learners help the teams by giving requirements in the form of an algorithm and from that the visual learners describe the flow of the program with the help of the flowcharts.

Flipped Classroom

If the traditional classroom is defined by the teacher discussing the lessons and the students going over what they learned and doing homework related to the lesson afterwards, the flipped classroom, as the name suggests, flips things around. In this case, the students are asked to study the lessons on their own as they watch their teacher explain the lessons in a prerecorded video or another medium. The next day, the students will do the assignments, which the teacher will discuss afterwards. This either builds on or reorients the students on what they learned as they were doing their homework.

Goals of Using this strategy are as follows:

To make the classroom an active learning environment

To enable students to learn at their own pace, and

To give the instructor more time to teach each student individually, rather than the class as a whole


online course contents and interactions between faculty members in science and engineering using the best academics practices

About many courses offered by faculty in various departments and to students at all technical levels are given here

Setting up internal resources for implementing virtual online certification programmers in science and engineering

Note Check

Note check is a pedagogic strategy that facilitates learning within the classroom. In this strategy, students are instructed to pair up and review, discuss and compare their notes with each other.

Goals of Using this strategy are as follows:

The aim of the strategy is to help students develop good note taking skills, summarize key information and clarify misconceptions through discussions with partners and to fill the gaps for any lost or misperceived information.

Outcome: Students came to each other capability in solving the problem. They can learn from each other as they worked in pair.

Multimedia Learning

Multimedia learning can be defined in a number of ways. For the purposes of this research multimedia learning would be defined as the delivery of instructional content using multiple modes that include visual and auditory information and student use of this information to construct knowledge. To- day our students live in a world in which digital technology is part of the texture of their daily lives. They have never known a world without technology. Technology is their native language and it is expected to use technology in colleges.

Goals of Using this strategy are as follows:

User enjoyment is enhanced.

Provides an excellent way to convey content.

Enables users to control web experience.

Address multiple learning styles.

Outcome: It will help the faculty to represent the content in a more meaningful way using different media elements.

Each One Teach One

Each one, teach one is a concept that brings with it a lot of mental satisfaction if you are involved in teaching someone or even if you are promoting the concept of spreading the awareness. The idea of working for a social cause gives you an immense knowledge.

Goals of Using this strategy are as follows:

To improve the student skill set and this methodology helps the students to improve their presentation, communication skills, and knowledge levels in the concepts by self-preparation and presentation.

It helps the students to enrich themselves towards self-learning and employability.


Improvement of self-learning

Improvement of presentation skills

Improvement of subject knowledge

Faculty Blogs

Goals of Using this strategy are as follows:

A blog facilitates the students’ critical thinking,

A blog provides examples for students for modeling and learning,

A blog affects the students’ quality of writing,

A blog facilitates meaningful learning for students,

A blog gives students a purpose for writing

Collaborative Learning (STAD)

Collaborative learning is an educational approach that involves students working in groups, or teams, trying to solve a problem, or completing an activity. Working towards a shared common goal, team members are interdependent in terms of their assigned tasks or outcomes, and each team member assumes a distinctive role.

Goals of Using this strategy are as follows:

Development of higher-level thinking, oral communication, self-management, and leadership skills.

Promotion of student-faculty interaction.

Increase in student retention, self-esteem, and responsibility.

Exposure to and an increase in understanding of diverse perspective.

Outcome: The outcomes of a team working together are greater than those possible by any one person working independently.

Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning (2022-23):

S.No Activity Conducted Name of the Faculty Course For Review / Critique
1 Think-pair share K. Ranganath Programming for problem solving
2 Technical Training and Certification M. Mruthyunjaya Programming for problem solving
3 Group Discussions Dr. E. Sudharshan DAA
4 Flipped Class Rooms (NPTEL Videos) S. Shwetha Data Structures
5 Note-Check Khaja Mannanuddin Data Analytics
6 Multimedia Learning E. Hari Krishna FLAT
7 Each one Teach one S. Vishali WT
8 Faculty Blogs M. Ranjith Kumar Python Programming

Activity 1

Course Title:

Programming for problem solving


Think – Pair Share

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:

Data Types


Active / Reflective Learner

Implementation Strategy in the class:

In a class, we can see two types of learners:

  1. Active Learners: Who prefer to work out the things and work in the groups?
  2. Reflective Learners: Who prefer thinking things through and work alone or with a Familiar partner.

Data Types is the topic where students get confused to understand and know the differences between each of them. Once the topic is delivered we ask questions to students and make them think and share the ideas with paired neighbour, so they may get the clarity with the topic.

For introducing basic data types to the learner group and from the past teaching experience and according to Felder- Silverman Learning Preference, ”Active/Reflective Strategy” may be used for introducing this topic. This strategy can be implemented by conducting “think-pair share” activity in the class room.

The questions can be like wise:

What type of operator >> is?

What type of conversion is (int) 20.3?

What type of data can a pointer hold?

What is pointer to an array?

Even the questions are simple, the learner group may get confused, and when they listen them for the first time, so to overcome this, the activity is being conducted.

Think- Pair Share: To implement this activity, first the above questions are posed by the learner group and ask them to think individually and share their ideas with the paired neighbour and then they should come up with the solution, then the solution will be discussed in the class room.

Implementation Strategy:

30 pairs are done out of 60 students, and in each pair will have one reflective and one active learner. The task will be assigned to each pair and they should discuss among themselves and solve the problem.

Below is the Lesson plan for conducting the Think- Pair share Activity for the topic Basic C-Programs:

S.No Topic Activity
1 Data Types and Operators
Time Duration: 15 min
  1. Pose the question on basic data types and differences between them to the learner group to think individually (3 min) (Think)
  2. Now students are divided into 30 teams, each team consisting of one active and one reflective learners (3 min) (Pair)
  3. Share their ideas and come up with the solutions (3 min) (Share)
  4. Discuss in the class room (6 min)

Pre-Implementation Strategies:


  1. The reflective learner will be motivated to work in a group.
  2. At the end of this activity, the students will be able to get the clear idea of data types which helps to write the c-programs.

Challenges I may anticipate:

  1. I am identifying the active and reflective learner while forming the team.
  2. Maintain discipline, while the activity is being performed.

How will you address those challenges during the class?

T: (Think) Teachers begin by asking a specific question about the text. Students "think" about what they know or have learned about the topic.

P: (Pair) Each student should be paired with another student or a small group.

S: (Share) Students share their thinking with their partner. Teachers expand the "share" into a whole-class discussion.

Post –Implementation Reflection:


Computer Lab: 5

Time: 3:30 pm to 3:45 pm

What worked well?

  1. After discussing the data types concepts, few questions were posed to the learner group.
  2. Most of the students giving the answers, then I ask them to form the pair and share their ideas.
  3. Students discussed with their paired neighbours and were ready to answer the questions.
  4. The questions were repeated again with slight modification on the same topic, almost 92% of the students answered them.

How would you improve the lesson plan next time?

From the observations, 8% of the students were still lagging to understand the concept, so to overcome this, give more time to slow learners to think and share the ideas.

Here by, I am attaching the photos of activity:

Innovation Activity

Activity 2

Course Title:

Technical Training and Certification

Programming is crucial when it comes to learning how to innovate, create very eco-friendly solutions for global problems and such. In essence, it helps in speeding up the input and output processes in a machine. Additionally, it helps you develop the ability to automate, collect, manage, analyze the data and information correctly. We make our students more comfortable to the world of coding. Students are encouraged to think, analyse the given problem and they have to develop their own logic to solve the given problem. While analyzing the solution to the given problem student must be able to correct the errors occurred during the development process.

Execution Plan:

The students will undergo training on the above cited modules. These may be done as a part of regular class work or based on additional Schedule.

Expected outcome:

To improve Technical and employability skills such that they can grab more opportunities.

Students can do projects.

List of Certificates:
S.No Student Name Certification
1 Alli Kavya AWS Academy Graduate - AWS Academy Cloud Foundations
2 Ayesha Nishath Data Base Management System (NPTEL)
3 Rahithya Kotha AWS Academy Graduate - AWS Academy Cloud Foundations
4 Gayathri Bolukonda ServiceNow Certified System Administrator
5 Sushmitha Tokyo Delta - Certified System Administrator
6 Kadari Kruthi Codegoda 2022

Activity 3

Course Title:

Design Analysis and Algorithms


Group Discussion

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:

Algorithms and Flowcharts


Visual/Verbal Learning

Implementation Strategy in the class:

When I taught same topic in the last time I observed following issues:

Few students were able to understand the algorithms (verbal learners) which were theoretical and few students were able to understand flowcharts (visual learners) which were in practical representation. Earlier, I was in confusion in making the students perfect in two categories. Students can understand the C Program, once they understand both the algorithm which gives the step by step procedure and flowchart which describes the flow of the program.

Group activity on the topic Algorithm and Flowcharts Where I divide the class into 10 groups and each group consists of both Visual and Verbal Learners.

The team can implement the problem very easily and effectively as the verbal learners help the teams by giving requirements in the form of an algorithm and from that the visual learners describe the flow of the program with the help of the flowcharts.

Below is the Lesson plan for conducting the group activity for the topic Algorithms and Flowcharts:

S.No Topic Activity
1 Sorting Algorithms
Time Duration: 30 min
  1. Students are divided into 10 teams, each team consisting of Visual and Verbal learners. (15 min)
  2. Assign task to each group with new assignment.(5 min)
  3. Each team has to discuss and come up with the solution.( 10 min)


Innovation Activity

Activity 4

Course Title:

Data Structures


Flipped Class Room (NPTEL Videos)

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:

Stack Implementation

NPTEL Videos To enhance the quality of engineering education, on tip compatibility & resources for beyond curriculum.

online course contents and interactions between faculty members in science and engineering using the best academics practices

About many courses offered by faculty in various departments and to students at all technical levels are given here

Setting up internal resources for implementing virtual online certification programmers in science and engineering

Implementation Strategy:

I discussed the topic in the class room and send NPTEL URL from the registered faculty Mrs. S. Shwetha to the students to refer the topic.

URL is

Innovation Activity

Activity 5

Course Title:

Data Analytics


Note- Check

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:

Data Modeling

Description of the Activity:
  1. This activity was planned for a group of 20 students and 10 groups were formed, each group consists of two members. Both the students were involved in analysis or note check.
  2. Lecturer poses a question to students.
  3. Student pairs were formed by choosing a partner of their own.
  4. Two different questions, one question is given to student X and the other to student Y respectively. Students were asked to do them. When student finished the answer, then the question is swapped between X and Y students. Students were again asked to solve the given problem.
  5. To fill gaps in their notes, the students were asked to write discrepancies in their notes. Then students were allowed discuss with each other in a pair.

Students came to each other capability in solving the problem. They can learn from each other as they worked in pair.

Activity 6

Course Title:



Multimedia Learning

Faculty members are using multimedia devices such as LCD projectors in the classroom. It will help the faculty to represent the content in a more meaningful way using different media elements. Various multimedia tools used are:

Tools Methods Metaphors
Presentation Slides, Astound Graphics and Flash Slide Show Software Easy to prepare with many of the popular multimedia elements like graphs, sound and video. Slide based
Windows Movie Maker, Win amp Presentation is created using movie making concepts of casts, sounds, pictures and scores. Movie based
Adobe Acrobat Reader Easy to prepare with word documents if you have Acrobat Reader5 with many popular multimedia elements like graphs, notes and charts. Book based
VNC Screen Sharing Tool Instructor Presentation Screen can be viewed by student’s online using screen sharing tool. Slide based - Movie based - Program based
Audio broadcasting Device To deliver parallel lectures in more than one lab. Audio based
Handy cam / Mobile Phone Instructions can improve and enhance their teaching by capturing and viewing their previous lectures. Video Based


Innovation Activity
Innovation Activity

Activity 7

Course Title:

Web Technologies


Each One, Teach One

Each One, Teach One is collaboration between the staff and students the opportunity to learn and share knowledge about their community and culture.

The phrase Each One, Teach One is an African proverb that originated in the United States during slavery when Africans were denied education. When someone learned how to read or write, it became their responsibility to teach someone else. The idea is to spread knowledge for the betterment of their community.

This program will teach you how to give back to your community to learn and share knowledge.

In this connection the CSE Department had taken an initiative the same to improve the student skill set and this methodology helps the students to improve their presentation, communication skills, and knowledge levels in the concepts by self-preparation and presentation. It helps the students to enrich themselves towards self-learning and employability.

Execution Plan:


Student has to teach a topic from the subject in the presence of the teacher.

Expected outcome:

Improvement of self-learning

Improvement of presentation skills

Improvement of subject knowledge

Activity 8

Course Title:

Python Programming


Faculty Blogs

Faculty maintains blogs to provide lecture notes for students. They make the blog link public to all the students to access lecture notes.

Innovation Activity

Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning (2021-22):

S.No Activity Conducted Name of the Faculty Course For Review / Critique
1 Group Discussions G. Ranadheer Reddy Software Engineering
2 Think-pair share K. Ranganath Programming for problem solving
3 Technical Training and Certification B. Prashanth Programming for problem solving
4 Multimedia Learning J. Vedika Compiler Design
5 Each one Teach one Khaja Mannanuddin Machine Learning
6 Collaborative Learning (STAD) V. Srinivas DBMS
7 Faculty Blogs M. Ranjith Kumar C Programming
8 Concept Tests V. Pranathi Computer Organization

Activity 1

Course Title:

Software Engineering


Group Discussion

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:

Algorithms and Flowcharts


Visual / Verbal Learning

When I taught same topic in the last time I observed following issues:

Few students were able to understand the algorithms (verbal learners) which were theoretical and few students were able to understand flowcharts (visual learners) which were in practical representation. Earlier, I was in confusion in making the students perfect in two categories.

Students can understand the C Program, once they understand both the algorithm which gives the step by step procedure and flowchart which describes the flow of the program.

Group activity on the topic Algorithm and Flowcharts Where I divide the class into 10 groups and each group consists of both Visual and Verbal Learners.

The team can implement the problem very easily and effectively as the verbal learners help the teams by giving requirements in the form of an algorithm and from that the visual learners describe the flow of the program with the help of the flowcharts.

Below is the Lesson plan for conducting the group activity for the topic Algorithms and Flowcharts:

S.No Topic Activity
1 SDLC Models
Time Duration: 30 min
  1. Students are divided into 10 teams, each team consisting of Visual and Verbal learners. (15 min)
  2. Assign task to each group with new assignment.(5 min)
  3. Each team has to discuss and come up with the solution.( 10 min)


Innovation Activity

Activity 2

Course Title:

Programming for problem solving


Think – Pair Share

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:



Active / Reflective Learner

Implementation Strategy in the class:

In a class, we can see two types of learners:

  1. Active Learners: Who prefer to work out the things and work in the groups?
  2. Reflective Learners: Who prefer thinking things through and work alone or with a Familiar partner.

Algorithm analysis is an important part of computational complexity theory, which provides theoretical estimation for the required resources of an algorithm to solve a specific computational problem. Analysis of algorithms is the determination of the amount of time and space resources required to execute it.

For introducing Algorithms to the learner group and from the past teaching experience and according to Felder - Silverman Learning Preference, ”Active / Reflective Strategy” may be used for introducing this topic. This strategy can be implemented by conducting “think-pair share” activity in the class room.

The questions can be like wise:

// C Program to display alphabets using ASCII values?

What is algorithm and why analysis of it is important?

How many type of algorithms are there, differentiate them?

Even the questions are simple, the learner group may get confused, and when they listen them for the first time, so to overcome this, the activity is being conducted.

Think- Pair Share: To implement this activity, first the above questions are posed by the learner group and ask them to think individually and share their ideas with the paired neighbour and then they should come up with the solution, then the solution will be discussed in the class room.

Implementation Strategy:

30 pairs are done out of 60 students, and in each pair will have one reflective and one active learner. The task will be assigned to each pair and they should discuss among themselves and solve the problem.

Below is the Lesson plan for conducting the Think- Pair share Activity for the topic Basic C-Programs:

S.No Topic Activity
1 Algorithms
Time Duration: 30 min
  1. Pose the question on basic data types and differences between them to the learner group to think individually (5 min) (Think)
  2. Now students are divided into 30 teams, each team consisting of one active and one reflective learners (10 min) (Pair)
  3. Share their ideas and come up with the solutions (5 min) (Share)
  4. Discuss in the class room (10 min)

Pre-Implementation Strategies:


  1. The reflective learner will be motivated to work in a group.
  2. At the end of this activity, the students will be able to get the clear idea of data types which helps to write the c-programs.

Challenges I may anticipate:

  1. I am identifying the active and reflective learner while forming the team.
  2. Maintain discipline, while the activity is being performed.

How will you address those challenges during the class?

T: (Think) Teachers begin by asking a specific question about the text. Students "think" about what they know or have learned about the topic.

P: (Pair) Each student should be paired with another student or a small group.

S: (Share) Students share their thinking with their partner. Teachers expand the "share" into a whole-class discussion.

Post –Implementation Reflection:


Computer Lab: 6

Time: 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm

What worked well?

  1. After discussing the different kind of algorithm concepts, few questions were posed to the learner group.
  2. Most of the students giving the answers, then I ask them to form the pair and share their ideas.
  3. Students discussed with their paired neighbours and were ready to answer the questions.
  4. The questions were repeated again with slight modification on the same topic, almost 90% of the students answered them.

How would you improve the lesson plan next time?

From the observations, 10% of the students were still lagging to understand the concept, so to overcome this, give more time to slow learners to think and share the ideas.


Innovation Activity

Activity 3

Course Title:

Programming for problem solving


Technical Training and Certification

Programming is crucial when it comes to learning how to innovate, create very eco-friendly solutions for global problems and such. In essence, it helps in speeding up the input and output processes in a machine. Additionally, it helps you develop the ability to automate, collect, manage, analyze the data and information correctly. We make our students more comfortable to the world of coding. Students are encouraged to think, analyse the given problem and they have to develop their own logic to solve the given problem. While analyzing the solution to the given problem student must be able to correct the errors occurred during the development process.

Execution Plan:

The students will undergo training on the above cited modules. These may be done as a part of regular class work or based on additional Schedule.

Expected outcome:

To improve Technical and employability skills such that they can grab more opportunities.

Students can do projects.

S.No Student Name Certification
1 Alli Kavya AWS Academy Graduate - AWS Academy Cloud Foundations
2 Ayesha Nishath Data Base Management System (NPTEL)
3 Rahithya Kotha AWS Academy Graduate - AWS Academy Cloud Foundations
4 Gayathri Bolukonda ServiceNow Certified System Administrator
5 Sushmitha Tokyo Delta - Certified System Administrator
6 Kadari Kruthi Codegoda 2022

Activity 4

Course Title:

Compiler Design


Multimedia Learning

Faculty members are using multimedia devices such as LCD projectors in the classroom. It will help the faculty to represent the content in a more meaningful way using different media elements. Various multimedia tools used are:

Tools Methods Metaphors
Presentation Slides, Astound Graphics and Flash Slide Show Software Easy to prepare with many of the popular multimedia elements like graphs, sound and video. Slide based
Windows Movie Maker, Win amp Presentation is created using movie making concepts of casts, sounds, pictures and scores. Movie based
Adobe Acrobat Reader Easy to prepare with word documents if you have Acrobat Reader5 with many popular multimedia elements like graphs, notes and charts. Book based
VNC Screen Sharing Tool Instructor Presentation Screen can be viewed by student’s online using screen sharing tool. Slide based - Movie based - Program based
Audio broadcasting Device To deliver parallel lectures in more than one lab. Audio based
Handy cam / Mobile Phone Instructions can improve and enhance their teaching by capturing and viewing their previous lectures. Video Based


Innovation Activity

Activity 5

Course Title:

Machine Learning


Each One, Teach One

Each One, Teach One is collaboration between the staff and students the opportunity to learn and share knowledge about their community and culture.

The phrase Each One, Teach One is an African proverb that originated in the United States during slavery when Africans were denied education. When someone learned how to read or write, it became their responsibility to teach someone else. The idea is to spread knowledge for the betterment of their community.

This program will teach you how to give back to your community to learn and share knowledge.

In this connection the CSE Department had taken an initiative the same to improve the student skill set and this methodology helps the students to improve their presentation, communication skills, and knowledge levels in the concepts by self-preparation and presentation. It helps the students to enrich themselves towards self-learning and employability.

Execution Plan:


Student has to teach a topic from the subject in the presence of the teacher.

Expected outcome:

Improvement of self-learning

Improvement of presentation skills

Improvement of subject knowledge

Innovation Activity

Activity 6

Course Title:

Data Base Management System


Collaborative Learning (STAD-Student Teams Achievement Divisions)

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:
  1. Data Models and Types
Activity Description:
S.No Topic Description of activity Outcome
1 Entity-Relationship models and Types
  1. Students were divided into 10 teams. Each team consists of 5 students.
  2. In the beginning an exam was conducted and based on the marks obtained in the test and marks obtained in the assignment teams were formed.
  3. Each team is given with different set of questions covering the entire topic.
  4. Each team discussed among themselves and written the solution.
There was an emphasis to learn and explain at the same moment. So students were bound to understand the concepts without wasting their time. Slow learners learned from others within the team. It acted as a platform to improve their performance by discussing among them. It also helped in bridging the gap between lecturer and students.


Innovation Activity

Activity 7

Course Title:

C Programming


Faculty Blogs

Faculty maintains blogs to provide lecture notes for students. They make the blog link public to all the students to access lecture notes.

Innovation Activity

Activity 8

Course Title:

Computer Organization


Concept Tests

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:

8086 Processor Architecture

Description of the activity:

This activity is planned for entire class and in the classroom

  1. A multiple choice question is posed to the students (choices – 3 wrong answers and one correct answer)
  2. The students are to obtain the solution individually and note down the choice out of 4 options and then students were asked to show the cards indicating their choice
  3. After looking at their answers, the students were suggested to form a group consisting of 4 or 5 members. Then students were asked to discuss and share their approach to get the answer with partners and reconcile the responses. Then the representative of each group was asked to show the card to indicate the choice of their group
  4. Finally, lecturer discusses the problem and then gives the correct answer

This activity creates enthusiasm among students towards learning and pay attention in the class

Total Marks:

2 Marks

Individual performance:

1 Mark

Team performance:

1 Mark

Innovation Activity

Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning (2020-21):

S.No Activity Conducted Name of the Faculty Course For Review / Critique
1 Group Discussions E. Hari Krishna FLAT
2 Think-pair share B. Prashanth Programming for problem solving
3 Each one Teach one R. Nethravathi Programming for problem solving
4 Collaborative Learning (STAD) T. Sravanthi Computer Networks
5 Faculty Blogs M. Ranjith Kumar OOPs Through Java

Activity 1

Course Title:



Group Discussion

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:


Implementation Strategy in the class:

When I taught same topic in the last time I observed following issues:

Few students were able to understand the NFA (verbal learners) which were theoretical and few students were able to understand Transition Diagrams (visual learners) which were in practical representation. Earlier, I was in confusion in making the students perfect in two categories. Students can understand the NFA, once they understand both the NFA which gives the step by step procedure and Transition Diagram which describes the flow of the Activities.

Group activity on the topic Finite Automata Where I divide the class into 10 groups and each group consists of both Visual and Verbal Learners.

The team can implement the problem very easily and effectively as the verbal learners help the teams by giving requirements in the form of an algorithm and from that the visual learners describe the flow of the NFA with the help of the Transition Diagrams.

Below is the Lesson plan for conducting the group activity for the topic finite automata.


Innovation Activity

Activity 2

Course Title:

Programming for problem solving


Think – Pair Share

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:



Active / Reflective Learner

Implementation Strategy in the class:

In a class, we can see two types of learners:

  1. Active Learners: Who prefer to work out the things and work in the groups?
  2. Reflective Learners: Who prefer thinking things through and work alone or with a Familiar partner.

Strings are the topic where students get confused to understand and know the differences between each of them. Once the topic is delivered we ask questions to students and make them think and share the ideas with paired neighbour, so they may get the clarity with the topic.

For introducing basic strings to the learner group and from the past teaching experience and according to Felder- Silverman Learning Preference, ”Active / Reflective Strategy” may be used for introducing this topic. This strategy can be implemented by conducting “think-pair share” activity in the class room.

The questions can be like wise:

What is the Initialization of String?

What are the functions of string?

Write the program for reverse a word by using string operations?

Even the questions are simple, the learner group may get confused, and when they listen them for the first time, so to overcome this, the activity is being conducted.

Think- Pair Share: To implement this activity, first the above questions are posed by the learner group and ask them to think individually and share their ideas with the paired neighbour and then they should come up with the solution, then the solution will be discussed in the class room.

Implementation Strategy:

30 pairs are done out of 60 students, and in each pair will have one reflective and one active learner. The task will be assigned to each pair and they should discuss among themselves and solve the problem.

Below is the Lesson plan for conducting the Think- Pair share Activity for the topic Basic C-Programs:

S.No Topic Activity
1 Strings
Time Duration: 15 min
  1. Pose the question on basic data types and differences between them to the learner group to think individually (3 min) (Think)
  2. Now students are divided into 30 teams, each team consisting of one active and one reflective learners (3 min) (Pair)
  3. Share their ideas and come up with the solutions (3 min) (Share)
  4. Discuss in the class room (6 min)

Pre-Implementation Strategies:


  1. The reflective learner will be motivated to work in a group.
  2. At the end of this activity, the students will be able to get the clear idea of data types which helps to write the c-programs.

Challenges I may anticipate:

  1. I am identifying the active and reflective learner while forming the team.
  2. Maintain discipline, while the activity is being performed.

How will you address those challenges during the class?

T: (Think) Teachers begin by asking a specific question about the text. Students "think" about what they know or have learned about the topic.

P: (Pair) Each student should be paired with another student or a small group.

S: (Share) Students share their thinking with their partner. Teachers expand the "share" into a whole-class discussion.

Post –Implementation Reflection:


Computer Lab: 6

Time: 2:20 pm to 2:35 pm

What worked well?

  1. After discussing the String concepts, few questions were posed to the learner group.
  2. Most of the students giving the answers, then I ask them to form the pair and share their ideas.
  3. Students discussed with their paired neighbours and were ready to answer the questions.
  4. The questions were repeated again with slight modification on the same topic, almost 95% of the students answered them.

How would you improve the lesson plan next time?

From the observations, 5% of the students were still lagging to understand the concept, so to overcome this, give more time to slow learners to think and share the ideas.


Innovation Activity

Activity 3

Course Title:

Software Engineering


Each One, Teach One

Each One, Teach One is collaboration between the staff and students the opportunity to learn and share knowledge about their community and culture.

The phrase Each One, Teach One is an African proverb that originated in the United States during slavery when Africans were denied education. When someone learned how to read or write, it became their responsibility to teach someone else. The idea is to spread knowledge for the betterment of their community.

This program will teach you how to give back to your community to learn and share knowledge.

In this connection the CSE Department had taken an initiative the same to improve the student skill set and this methodology helps the students to improve their presentation, communication skills, and knowledge levels in the concepts by self-preparation and presentation. It helps the students to enrich themselves towards self-learning and employability.


Innovation Activity

Activity 4

Course Title:

Computer Networks


Collaborative Learning (STAD-Student Teams Achievement Divisions)

Topic / Concept for which this activity was designed:

Types of Area Networks

Activity Description:
S.No Topic Description of activity Outcome
1 Types of Area Networks
  1. Students were divided into 10 teams. Each team consists of 5 students.
  2. In the beginning an exam was conducted and based on the marks obtained in the test and marks obtained in the assignment teams were formed.
  3. Each team is given with different set of questions covering the entire topic.
  4. Each team discussed among themselves and written the solution.
There was an emphasis to learn and explain at the same moment. So students were bound to understand the concepts without wasting their time. Slow learners learned from others within the team. It acted as a platform to improve their performance by discussing among them. It also helped in bridging the gap between lecturer and students.


Innovation Activity

Activity 5

Course Title:

Java Programming


Faculty Blogs

Faculty maintains blogs to provide lecture notes for students. They make the blog link public to all the students to access lecture notes.

Innovation Activity
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